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Living Water Exercises

Jesus said “He who believes in Me, from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7: 38

What are the Living Water Exercises?

The Living Water exercise is a unique set of gentle, flowing, healing movements that follow Jesus's teachings. They are great for health, awaken us from the death of depression and lead our minds into Still Waters. They're based upon Jesus's Water of Life teaching, found in John's gospel. In this teaching, Jesus says, if anyone is thirsty, let them come to me and drink. For those who believe in me, from the innermost being, will flow rivers of Living Water welling up to eternal life. Jesus concludes his Water of Life Discourse by saying, God is Spirit, and anyone who worships Him must worship in spirit.














A Uniique and Powerful Health and Healing Exercise

Jesus is the great healer, and the Living Water Exercises are a unique and powerful exercise for health and healing. Unlike similar exercises such as Tai Chi and Yoga which are founded upon Eastern Religions, the Living Water Exercises are  Christian. The healing power of these moves doesn’t come from the physical movements, nor through deep breathing, but through Jesus Himself and the flow of the Holy Spirit within you. Being gently flowing moves, they are suitable for men and women, young and old, fit and unfit. I don’t know about your church, but in my church I have noticed that many of the congregation are no lo longer spring chickens. Indeed, many priests aren’t that young either. Others in the congregations suffer from ailments like everyone else from bad backs and high blood pressure to stress and depression. One of the central reasons for developing the Living Water Exercises is to improve the health of God’s people.Some of the benefits include

  • Increases Suppleness and Flexibility

  • Improves Blood Pressure

  • Reduces Inflammation of Painful Joints

  • Improves Lung Capacity and Chest Complaints,

  • Improves Balance and Prevent Falls

  • Reduces Stress, Anxiety and Gives a Sense of Well-Being

  • Being a moving prayer they allow Jesus to heal heal you on your soul level.



How are they Christian?

Each of these exercises is an expression of a passage from the Bible, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in the Bible’s mysteries. Just as God created the cosmos in seven days, these exercises consist of seven, done seven times each, seven days of the week, which makes the number seven, seven, seven, the threefold perfection of the Trinity. Just as God rested on the Sabbath, so do these exercises. On our Theology page you'll find a short video exploring the Water of Life Theology they are based on. ​​​​​​​​​​​

How do I start?

Your living water exercise pilgrimage starts with our easy-to-do and learn beginner's routine that you can find here and on our YouTube channel. Being gentle, they are suitable for men and women, young and old, fit and unfit, healthy and unhealthy. Exercises take 10 to 15 minutes, and it's important to do them each day so they become part of your daily prayer routine. While these exercises are a moving prayer in their own right, they are also an ideal preparation for your regular prayer and worship. 

Don't LIke Learning from Videos

Come and join me very Monday at 10am (GMT) on this page to join in our Free Live Online Beginners Class. The class consists of half hour of healing gently-flowing movements, which are brilliant for health and healing, and will bring your mind into still waters. Being ecumenical, this class is open to people of all Christian denominations, no matter how strong your belief. The class is suitable for men and women, fit and unfit, and young and old (18+), but please consult your medical consultant if you have a medical condition. Can't make the class- no problem, just catch up on it on demand during the week on the page. The class is starting soon, so wear loose clothing and either socks or flat-soled shoes. Please subscribe to our newsletter form if you want a reminder nearer the time.


What other videos are there?

You'll also find other videos here and on our YouTube channel. Among them you'll find the same beginners video but with a commentary over the exercises to explain the moves, of course, this introduction, and a set of exercises for children that kids can enjoy from four years old and above. So, please explore this site and our YouTube channel,  enjoy the videos, and subscribe to be notified when new videos are uploaded. While some videos are available to everyone, some others are only available to those who have subscribed to our newsletter. Please read on.....


What's the next step?

When the Spirit moves you subscribe to our newsletter  to become part of our online community(18+).  Signing up is free and gives you access to a whole host of new videos, especially the intermediate set for you to continue your Living Water pilgrimage. Joining our community also gives you a monthly newsletter about new videos and events, the opportunity to join in free online lessons, and information about how to become a living water exercise teacher for your church or Christian Community. You can use the button below to sign up to our newsletter:


You'll be delighted to know that the Living Water exercise is free. You don't have to spend a penny watching the videos or joining the face-to-face lessons. However, This all costs us money, and as we don't charge, we rely totally on donations. If you can afford it, please visit our donate page to help the Living Water Exercises keep flowing in this world.

We are centred in Glastonbury, which is said to be the birthplace of Christianity in England. Still, of course, through the wonders of technology, distance is no barrier, and these exercises reach around the world. If you have any queries, please message us using our Contact Form.


Peace be with you.

Clive George

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