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Come and join me!
Live Online Beginners Class
Starting Soon!

Come and join me very Monday at 10am (GMT) on this page to join in our Free Online Beginners Class. The class consists of half hour of healing gently-flowing movements, which are brilliant for health and healing, and will bring your mind into still waters. Being ecumenical, this class is open to people of all Christian denominations, no matter how strong  your belief. The class is suitable for men and women, fit and unfit, and young and old (18+), but please consult your medical consultant if you have a medical condition. Can't make the class- no problem, just catch up on it on demand during the week on this page. 

The class is starting soon, so wear loose clothing and either socks or flat-soled shoes. Please take a couple of seconds to fill in to our newsletter form below if you want a reminder nearer the time.

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