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Help the Living Water Exercises Flow

Donate to the Living Water Exercises

​Hello, You’ll be delighted to know that the Living Water Exercises are FREE: without charge, for nothing, on the house. You don’t have to spend a penny to watch the videos, or attend the online lessons, or the face to face classes. I do not charge for my time and I don’t receive an income from it. The reason for this is that these are not my exercises, they are God’s, and how can I charge for something which isn’t mine. Another very important reason is that these exercises are for every child of God, not just for those who can afford it financially. 
St Paul tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. Of course, there is nothing wrong with money per se, it’s the love of it that’s the down-fall. I’m sure that it is possible to still charge and keep our intentions on God, but that would be as hard as a camel walking through the eye of a needle. As we are part of this world, if we charge it would be all too tempting to make financial gain the true focus of the exercises, consciously or unconsciously, rather than keeping our minds firmly focused on the Lord. This would be disastrous, as it is only through keeping our minds focused on God that the Living Water Exercises flow. So to  set this policy in stone the Living Water Exercises is a Not-For Profit legal entity, one where can’t change it, even if we wanted. 
Of course, the Living Water Exercises do have financial costs. There are costs for keeping the website going, filming the videos, and making them. As we don’t charge we rely totally on donations from patrons, whether or not they are learning the exercises. Your donations, no matter the amount, are crucial to the continuation of this spiritual journey. If you can afford it, and would like to be a patron, the link to the page on our website is below. Jesus said that this isn’t his Kingdom, it is Satan’s, and in Satan’s kingdom money makes the world go round.

So lastly, let me be very controversial. In God’s Kingdom to come do you think we’ll still need money. Do you think we’ll hear St Peter say “I see the price of fish has gone up”, or St Michael say, “hang on I’ll just get some money from the hole in the wall”. Or as children of God, dare we imagine a world beyond Satan’s Kingdom, a world without money..

Peace Be With You :-)

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